Kambodia bee project

How to participate?

Kambodia Bee Association

Slovenian Bee schools in Kambodia

About bees and apiculture

Sponsors and volunteers

Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project

Where? Cambodia. Asia.

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18.02.2008Wild bees - also in the wood

Wild bees - also in the wood Wild bee find yourself the perfect home...

13.02.2008Tradicional marriage

Tradicional marriage The Tradicional marriage took 3 days. It was very nice and colorfull.  The people was so very kind.

Thank you Tomaž and Srey Nhanh for inviting us !

12.02.2008Bee Project Manager Tomaž Oštir get married

Bee Project Manager Tomaž Oštir get married Friend, Bee Project Manager, Tomaž Oštir get married with beatifull girl from Pursat, Srey Nhanh.

Good LUCK! We all wish you long and happy marriage !

10.02.2008Meeting with friends from Rotary club Pursat

Meeting with friends from Rotary club Pursat We spend a pleasant time with friends from RC Pursat on their meeting. They presented us the project s that RC pursat already done and projects planning for the future. We also discouss about the bee school project. Friends, mr.Soknay and mr.Bong from RC Pursat gave a word to asure their land in Khamron for the school for the next 25 years for free.

10.02.2008Visiting first Cambodian beekeeper - Thy

Visiting first Cambodian beekeeper - Thy We visited the "first" Cambodian beekeeper - Thy that have his own hives for more than a year. He was one of the first Tomaž's students.

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