Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project
Where? Cambodia. Asia.
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15.01.2008After one year we have honey again!
Great! After one year we have honey again!
08.01.2008letter of support-Dr.Danilo Türk, president of republic Slovenia
Mr.Danilo Türk, president of republic Slovenia send us a letter of support, where he emphase that the project is important and also unique. Not only interesting idea inside the Rotary but also in general. He support the idea and he express hope that we'll succeed with it. It's not just modest action but well thought out decision which can contribute to better life in Cambodia.
25.08.2007Meeting with Assistent Guverner of district 1910, Mr. Otmar Zorn
We introduced assistent guverner of district 1910, Mr. Otmar Zorn with the project. He is very enthusiastic about the project.
13.08.2007The founder, past president of RC Pursat, visiting RC Velenje
Mr. Soknay visited Slovenia to learn some more about bees and to meet Rotary friends on ther meeting in Velenje We dicsous to do the project - Slovenian bee school in Cambodia. Velenje have the biggest monument of the president Tito - past president of former Yugoslavia.