Kambodia bee project

How to participate?

Kambodia Bee Association

Slovenian Bee schools in Kambodia

About bees and apiculture

Sponsors and volunteers

Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project

Where? Cambodia. Asia.

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31.10.2011Invitation: 19-20.11.2011 new seminar for Beekeepers

Bee asociaton of Cambodia (BAC) invite you on a new seminar for Beekeepers from 19-20.11.2011 (Course of Slovenian bee school in Cambodia).

We invite all people that are interesting to became a beekeeper please write us on e-mail:

sreyhnahn.bun@cambodia-bee.org or tomaz.ostir@cambodia-bee.org

15.10.2011Beekeeper Sergei

Beekeeper Sergei Beekeeper Sergei successfully expand its beekeeping and increases the quantity produced delicious honey. Although some swear by the A.Dorsata, A.Cerana and A.Florea is the fact that during A.Melifera by the very technology of production (when the honey harvest is ripe satih) denser, less water, but not fermented. How do experts determine whether there is the quality - it is not fake. After teaspoons of honey in a few minutes you feel the warmth that extends from the stomach throughout the body. Honey is a very energy-rich nutrient that moves very quickly into the bloodstream.

05.10.2011Visiting province Pailin

Visiting province Pailin Visiting province Pailin, east of Cambodia. The slopes of mountains Cardamom are beautiful, covered with forests, of course, very depleted. Unlike the major part of the country where there are a few years ago grew a rainforest, is here, now still green throughout the year. In this area is full of huge plantations of fruit trees, dominated by the Asian corn and potatoes. Alluring province for beekeepers, but it's also hidden traps, known by pesticides and insecticides.

01.10.2011Apis andreniformis

Apis andreniformis After five years of searching we finally foud fifth real living bees in Cambodia - found in nature. We foud them about 15 km from Pursata. Bees size is somethig A.Floreje, but fly faster like they would have been more timid, or perhaps realize how rare remaining alive in the area.

22.09.2011Bee asociation of Cambodia is Full Member of Apimondia

Bee asociation of Cambodia is Full Member of Apimondia Dear Mrs. Bun,

We are pleased to inform you that the General Assembly of Apimondia, on the occasion of its meeting held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 22nd September 2011, has officially endorsed the admission of your Association as Full Member of our Federation.

In expressing our congratulations on your becoming member, we wish to inform you that Apimondia and its facilities are at your disposal to offer its utmost collaboration in the future.

With kind regards.

Yours sincerely,

Riccardo Jannoni-Sebastianini
Apimondia Secretary-General

Apimondia - International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations

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