Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project
Where? Cambodia. Asia.
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23.08.2010Bee school was damaged during heavy storm
Our friend Soknay reported us that heavy storm in Cambodia, 17th August 2010 has damaged the bee school.
27.02.2010Constituent Assembly Beekeeping Association of Cambodia
Participants of constituent Assembly of Beekeeping Association of Cambodia.
26.02.2010first lessons in school start 25.02.2010 -26.02.2010
Made hives painted our beekeeper Thi with logo of beekeeping association of Cambodia. We gave fledgling beekeepers' clubs and to state university for agriculture hives like symbolically gift.
25.02.2010first lessons in school start 25.02.2010 -26.02.2010
On February 25 and 26, 2010 on first trial education went on on headquarters of beekeeping association. Intention of education was participants to teach to make bee hives for Apis Cerana bee. Also making of hives will be assigned part of lectures in frame of beekeeping school. It is important because of economy of small beekeeping unit at the beginning, that every beekeeper knows how to make himself hive at home. At making of hive beekeeper beginner informs also with bases of technology of beekeeping.