Kambodia bee project

How to participate?

Kambodia Bee Association

Slovenian Bee schools in Kambodia

About bees and apiculture

Sponsors and volunteers

Slovenian - Cambodian Rotary project

Where? Cambodia. Asia.

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15.06.2009Friends from RC PURSAT are building latrine

Friends from RC PURSAT are building latrine Friends from RC Pursat started to build latrine for the school as they promised. They also made a concrete lab (stairs) lead to the school compound.

10.06.2009The roof is completely done

The roof is completely done One more photo from the bee school that is almost finish. Photo from the last two weeks.

25.05.2009The school have a new look

The school have a new look Our Rotary friends from RC Pursat sucseed to finished the school brick roof.  We decided that the school should have good structure and good materials.

14.01.2009Article from Slovenian Rotarian magazin

In the new number of the Slovenian Rotarian magazin we published an article of the Bee project - we called it " BEE TO BE " project to introduce it to Slovenian Rotarians.

13.01.2009It is also very important to have flowers near bee-hives

It is also very important to have flowers near bee-hives

It's very useful to have near bee-hives plants where bees can get honey. Besides that the bee-keeper has several useful goods.

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